Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Country Floral Gatefold ~ HSS439, PP691

Today's card is for Hand Stamped SentimentsHand Stamped Sentiments newest color challenge featuring Lost Lagoon, Petal Pink, and Soft Seafoam.  
I love this Country Floral stamp set and thought it lent itself nicely to these colors.  I added in some Crumb Cake as well.  The Country Woods DSP compliments this set so perfectly.  
I also used the sketch from The Paper Players 691The Paper Players 691, turning this card into a gatefold card with a belly band. 

Thanks for taking a peek and have a blessed day!


1 comment:

  1. Jenny, this is gorgeous! I love the rustic feel of your card. The wood grained background is perfect to showcase these gorgeous flowers in the bucket! You rocked my challenge at The Paper Players this week!
